Oh, I've got to be strong
I've got to be tough
To stand the arrows of your pride
The fears that you hide
I am the loneliest when you are around
But I need to survive
I need to survive
So I choose the lies
And you can't see my love wrapped in shame
So You can't see that you are to blame
You Raised a Vampire!
You Raised a Vampire!
You Raised a Vampire!
You Raised a Vampire!
You Raised a Vampire!
You Raised a Vampire!
You Raised a Vampire!
You Raised a Vampire!
(I) wish this dawn was just mine
The sun couldn't find
And stab her oh so quietly
Soon blind soldiers will come
And run through me in the name of life and fury
But I need to survive
I need to survive
So I choose the nights
Where all the doubtful souls dance for me
Where I'm the leader in this bodeful spree
You Raised A Vampire!
The Moog - You raised a vampire
2010.06.05. 21:29Címkék: 2009 the moog magyar zene you raised a vampire
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