Alternative | Drum & Bass | Dubstep | Electronic | Film- / Játékzene | House | Metal | Pop | Rap | Rock | Trance | Egyéb


They form a line,
One at a time,
Ready to play,
(I can't see them anyway)
No time to lose,
We've got to move,
Steady the helm.
(I am losing sight again)

Fire your guns,
It's time to roll,
Blow me away,
(I will stay in the mess I made)
After the fall,
We'll shake it off,
Show me the way.

Only the strongest will survive,
Lead me to heaven when we die,
I am a shadow on the wall,
I'll be the one to save us all.

There's nothing left,
So save your breath,
Lying in wait.
(Caught inside this tidal wave)
Your cover's blown,
Nowhere to go,
Holding your fate.
(Loaded I will walk alone)

Fire your guns,
It's time to roll,
Blow me away,
(I will stay in the mess i made)
After the fall,
We'll shake it off,
Show me the way.

Only the strongest will survive,
Lead me to heaven when we die,
I am a shadow on the wall,
I'll be the one to save us all.

Wanted it back
(Don't fight back God)

(Back off)


Only the strongest will survive,
Lead me to heaven when we die,
I am a shadow on the wall,
I'll be the one to save us all.

Save us all!



Címkék: 2004 breaking benjamin blow me away halo 2 játék zene

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